IntraCorneal Ring Segment (ICRS) Live Streaming Surgery | Adel Barbara MD & Balidis Miltos MD, PhD, FEBOphth, ICOphth

Dr. Adel Barbara MD in collaboration with Dr. Balidis Miltos MD, PhD, FEBOphth, ICOphth perform live implantations of IntraCorneal Ring Segments (ICRS) in two unique surgical cases.
Saturday 13 July 2024
10:00 AM – 12:30 PM

Event Program:

Dr. Adel Barbara, prominent international expert in keratoconus, is visiting Ophthalmica Institute to perform live implantations of IntraCorneal Ring Segments (ICRS) in two unique surgical cases. In collaboration with Dr. Balidis Miltos, specialist in corneal and anterior segment surgery, the surgical procedures will be preceded by a zoom meeting where a series of scientific presentations will be demonstrated followed by a fully scientific panel discussion.

All participants will have the opportunity to be thoroughly informed about ICRS and to engage in a constructive discussion.

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